Yesterday I noticed that Blake has a top tooth poking through now. So far he has four on bottom and one on top. Jenna has two on bottom and has had the one on top for about a month now. I just can't imagine them with a mouthful of teeth. It seems it is happening so fast.
Jason and I are taking the kids in to the pedi today for their 15month check up and shots.....albeit a month late. It's been a little challenging around here because they have both been sick. The day after Mother's Day Jenna started having a runny nose and fever. Blake started with the same a couple days later. They also had a cough that was pretty steady. Then last Thursday Blake's cough became worse pretty rapidly in the evening. He gasped for air, his face turned red and blue and would often choke. We would constantly be blowing in his face to stimulate him to breath. Neither he or Jenna had been sleeping well. This particular night we had him sitting in the swing so he would be upright and in hopes he woudl get enough relief to get some sleep. He went into a coughing fit and started choking. He then threw up quite a bit and started gurgling and choking on his vomit. Jason took him out and turned him facing downward and patted him. He was able to throw the rest up and breath. He finally gained his color back. He began crying and cried for nearly two hours following. We decided to take him into the ER. Uncle Adam came over and stayed with Jenna, who was finally fast asleep. We called "Aunt" Janice for advice on what ER to go to. As great as Dell childrens may be, we were not prepared to sit in the ER for
2+hours before being seen. We decided to go to Seaton Southwest. When we got there there was no one in the waitingroom. We didn't even sit down and were told to come on back. Blake was still crying and screaming. Long story short, our whole stay in the ER lasted nearly two hours. This is much better than waiting for two hours to even be seen. Turns out, he had an upper respiratory infection and probable ear infection.
Today's appointment went well. Jenna weighs 22lbs 10oz and Blake weighs 22lbs 12.8 oz. Jenna is 30.25 inches and Blake is 31 inches. They are both on track for all of their adjusted age skills and development. They both stand and are able to "cruise" along furniture, they eat mainly "table" food, are able to say mama and dada, use a sippy cup, drink whole milk, babble, etc. As all premies do, we are working on catching up to their chronological age skills and development. While they are on target for SOME of the 16month (actual age) skills, there are others that we are focusing in on. These include walking for Jenna, increasing vocab for them both, taking ALL bottles "out of the equation", and increasing their verbal/communication skills. These are all skills that other 16 month olds are working on as well. Dr.F is very pleased with Jenna and Blake's growth and development. She is impressed with how happy they are and with their level of interaction with others as well as the fact that they are eating just about anything we eat. Before we left, she said, "I know you guys must hear this a lot but these guys are truly amazing and look fantastic". Needless to say we were pretty proud. Then it was time....time for THREE immunizations. Sigh......luckily, as always, they were fast. Jenna was first. Daddy held her arms during administration then quickly scooped her up and consoled her. She was quickly calmed and fine. Then it was my turn to hold Blake's arms (the immunizations were all given in the thighs). Poor guy, when we laid him on the table he looked up at Stormy (our nurse) and gave her a big smile. She told him,
Oh no smiles poor guy, I'm sorry" and did the deed. He screams then cried a bit as I tried to console him. It didn't take long for him to calm down either. We are so glad those are over. We don't go back for shots again for another two months....sheesh, not long enough.
As soon as we got into the car, the kids were out! they slept all the way home then had a good nap once we got home. They are doing fine and were playing happily after their nap.
All in all a good report.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
We've Got a walker on Our Hands!!!!
***more Catching up/"retro posting"***
Wednesday, May 5th
Today was an exciting one! This afternoon Jenna, Blake and I were playing in the playroom like we do everyday. Jenna was playing some "tunes" on her piano and Blake was moving from one thing to another. Often times while I am sitting in the playroom, they will go about thier business playing and from time to time will come over to say hello, to crawl on me or just come sit and play with me. Blake was standing and shaking a shaker then turned to me. I smiled and said hello and that is when he did it! He smiled and took two steps to me!!! Needless to say I was cheering like crazy and telling him what a great job he did. Then I picked up the phone to call daddy. He couldn't wait to get home in hopes he would later catch him in the act. Luckily, Daddy witnessed his son's first steps the very next day. While Blake seems to be focusing in on walking, Jenna certainly is focusing in on talking. She has been really chatty! I love hearing her little girl voice. She is so proud of herself as she babbles about the house. What a sweet and fiery little gal.
Throughout the next two weeks he would try out his new skill here and there, taking two, maybe three steps. Jason and I marvel each day when he takes a step here and there and to and from he and I. He still chooses crawing over walking but is practicing his new skills more and more.
May 19th
Ok, so NOW we have an official walker. Blake took SIX steps today! YES, SIX!!! He walked from daddy to me in one slow, toldde like manner. He took his time and balanced perfectly. Daddy and I cheered as if we were at the superbowl. Jenna looked on and smiled over all the excitement. Blake waved his arms up and down when he reached me and lunged into my arms. It was great! It felt as if he had just crossed the finish line. He is now regularly walking from here to there mixed with his old back up, crawling.
May 20
I took Jenna with me to Hobby Lobby for a little shopping today. Blake stayed with daddy. Jenna was enjoying our trip until that is, I was "parked" in one spot for what she percieved as too long. There is so much to look at at Hobby Lobby, afterall. Towards the end of our trip she started chatting rather loudly. We were looking at some gift wrap all the while she was carrying on with her "stories". When a man took a double take and turned back towards our aisle to get a look at Jenna. He said that he and his friend had heard her talking earlier and now again. He then proceeded to tell me how beutiful she is and how cute she sounds. Jenna and I thanked him and she gave them a big gorgous smile. I love having a little girl (and a little boy!).
Blake is walking quite a bit now. He even walks around while holding things, will turn directions and turn completely around. He is really getting the hang of it now. I am going to get this cuteness on video soon so you all can see.
Wednesday, May 5th
Today was an exciting one! This afternoon Jenna, Blake and I were playing in the playroom like we do everyday. Jenna was playing some "tunes" on her piano and Blake was moving from one thing to another. Often times while I am sitting in the playroom, they will go about thier business playing and from time to time will come over to say hello, to crawl on me or just come sit and play with me. Blake was standing and shaking a shaker then turned to me. I smiled and said hello and that is when he did it! He smiled and took two steps to me!!! Needless to say I was cheering like crazy and telling him what a great job he did. Then I picked up the phone to call daddy. He couldn't wait to get home in hopes he would later catch him in the act. Luckily, Daddy witnessed his son's first steps the very next day. While Blake seems to be focusing in on walking, Jenna certainly is focusing in on talking. She has been really chatty! I love hearing her little girl voice. She is so proud of herself as she babbles about the house. What a sweet and fiery little gal.
Throughout the next two weeks he would try out his new skill here and there, taking two, maybe three steps. Jason and I marvel each day when he takes a step here and there and to and from he and I. He still chooses crawing over walking but is practicing his new skills more and more.
May 19th
Ok, so NOW we have an official walker. Blake took SIX steps today! YES, SIX!!! He walked from daddy to me in one slow, toldde like manner. He took his time and balanced perfectly. Daddy and I cheered as if we were at the superbowl. Jenna looked on and smiled over all the excitement. Blake waved his arms up and down when he reached me and lunged into my arms. It was great! It felt as if he had just crossed the finish line. He is now regularly walking from here to there mixed with his old back up, crawling.
May 20
I took Jenna with me to Hobby Lobby for a little shopping today. Blake stayed with daddy. Jenna was enjoying our trip until that is, I was "parked" in one spot for what she percieved as too long. There is so much to look at at Hobby Lobby, afterall. Towards the end of our trip she started chatting rather loudly. We were looking at some gift wrap all the while she was carrying on with her "stories". When a man took a double take and turned back towards our aisle to get a look at Jenna. He said that he and his friend had heard her talking earlier and now again. He then proceeded to tell me how beutiful she is and how cute she sounds. Jenna and I thanked him and she gave them a big gorgous smile. I love having a little girl (and a little boy!).
Blake is walking quite a bit now. He even walks around while holding things, will turn directions and turn completely around. He is really getting the hang of it now. I am going to get this cuteness on video soon so you all can see.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Just a Thought
**I wrote this on May 15th but in an interrupted attempt to try and catch the blog up, I am just getting around to posting it tonight. **
A Year ago tonight, Jason and I were "rooming in" at St. David's in preparation of bringing our "newborns" home after 4 1/2 months of intensive care. It was our first full night together and the beginning of what we had been dreaming about for so long. To be with our babies, to be full time hands-on parents, to take them home where they belonged, in our arms on our couch, rocking them in our rocking chair as we lounge in our PJs. A flood of memories and emotions are turning over and over. I can see that night replay with much detail. I remember the anticipation as we waited in the bay. As we moved through all of the "formalities", the move into our own room couldn't come soon enough. The anticipation of having the kids all to ourselves, behind closed doors, no intruding monitors, no "good night sweet peas, we will be back in the morning", no sharing our "privacy" with several other babies and parents, nurses and doctors. I remember when we were finally settled into the room for the night, it was a wonderful, strange and new feeling. We hardly knew what to do with ourselves. Needless to say with them being "newborns" we didn't get much sleep that night but WOW, what a great night.
Tonight I'm sitting on my couch with video monitor close by (yes, even at over a year old, I still rely on peeking in on them quite frequently) as Blake and Jenna are sleeping in their cribs. I will continue to try not to take each night for granted as I have the opportunity to get them ready for bed each night, hold them, carry them upstairs and tuck them in and kiss them goodnight. So many a night we longed for this privledge and tonight it's been a year of doing just that. Life is wonderful!
A Year ago tonight, Jason and I were "rooming in" at St. David's in preparation of bringing our "newborns" home after 4 1/2 months of intensive care. It was our first full night together and the beginning of what we had been dreaming about for so long. To be with our babies, to be full time hands-on parents, to take them home where they belonged, in our arms on our couch, rocking them in our rocking chair as we lounge in our PJs. A flood of memories and emotions are turning over and over. I can see that night replay with much detail. I remember the anticipation as we waited in the bay. As we moved through all of the "formalities", the move into our own room couldn't come soon enough. The anticipation of having the kids all to ourselves, behind closed doors, no intruding monitors, no "good night sweet peas, we will be back in the morning", no sharing our "privacy" with several other babies and parents, nurses and doctors. I remember when we were finally settled into the room for the night, it was a wonderful, strange and new feeling. We hardly knew what to do with ourselves. Needless to say with them being "newborns" we didn't get much sleep that night but WOW, what a great night.
Tonight I'm sitting on my couch with video monitor close by (yes, even at over a year old, I still rely on peeking in on them quite frequently) as Blake and Jenna are sleeping in their cribs. I will continue to try not to take each night for granted as I have the opportunity to get them ready for bed each night, hold them, carry them upstairs and tuck them in and kiss them goodnight. So many a night we longed for this privledge and tonight it's been a year of doing just that. Life is wonderful!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
March for Babies & Birthday Party Pics
Thank you to all of our family and friends for your participation in this year's March for Babies. Today's event was AWESOME! Thanks for being on our team, "Miracles on 32ns Street" and for your phenominal support.
Here are a few pics from today's walk as well as some of the kid's bday party pics. In the next few days, I will be doing my best to post an update on everything that has been going on in the last two months. We have had some exciting things happening and some great times spending with family and friends.
Here are a few of the bday party pics. Just click on the picture.
And here are a few of the March for Babies pics. Just click on the picture.
Here are a few pics from today's walk as well as some of the kid's bday party pics. In the next few days, I will be doing my best to post an update on everything that has been going on in the last two months. We have had some exciting things happening and some great times spending with family and friends.
Here are a few of the bday party pics. Just click on the picture.
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Seussical Celebration |
And here are a few of the March for Babies pics. Just click on the picture.
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March for Babies 2010~ "Miracles on 32nd Street" |
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Seussical Celebration
Wow! What a great and memorable day it was.
We had so many family members and friends attend Jenna and Blake's first (adjusted) birthday and one year homecoming anniversary party. It was great to have so many special people with us, as this was certainly a milestone that we still are taken back by. We have so much to be thankful for, relieved about and just plain happy about. We wanted to have a special party for the kids on the anniversary of their homecoming as well as to celebrate them turning one in January, and boy was it special!
The day started with lots of setting up of Dr. Seuss decor. The Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 & Thing 2, Sneetches, the Grinch, Horton, Dog, balloons, a candy bar, and so much more! Thanks so much to both moms, dads, sisters, brother-in-laws, cousins and friends for helping prepare the room. It turned out looking awesome!
Before I new it, Jenna and Blake's guests were arriving just minutes after daddy brought Blake and Jenna in. He stayed at home while they napped while we set up the "party room". Jenna and Blake wore their thing 1 and thing 2 shirts and red shorts. Jenna had red and white leggings on. Too cute!! The guests really started pouring in! It was so wonderful to have so many special people with us. So many people who gave us an amazing amount of support and care throughout the last year and a half. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. It just seemed natural to throw a party to have our support
to be continued
We had so many family members and friends attend Jenna and Blake's first (adjusted) birthday and one year homecoming anniversary party. It was great to have so many special people with us, as this was certainly a milestone that we still are taken back by. We have so much to be thankful for, relieved about and just plain happy about. We wanted to have a special party for the kids on the anniversary of their homecoming as well as to celebrate them turning one in January, and boy was it special!
The day started with lots of setting up of Dr. Seuss decor. The Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 & Thing 2, Sneetches, the Grinch, Horton, Dog, balloons, a candy bar, and so much more! Thanks so much to both moms, dads, sisters, brother-in-laws, cousins and friends for helping prepare the room. It turned out looking awesome!
Before I new it, Jenna and Blake's guests were arriving just minutes after daddy brought Blake and Jenna in. He stayed at home while they napped while we set up the "party room". Jenna and Blake wore their thing 1 and thing 2 shirts and red shorts. Jenna had red and white leggings on. Too cute!! The guests really started pouring in! It was so wonderful to have so many special people with us. So many people who gave us an amazing amount of support and care throughout the last year and a half. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. It just seemed natural to throw a party to have our support
to be continued
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