I just want to send out a "hello" to everyone to let you know we are returning to our blog. As much as I wanted to keep up with the blogging over the last year and a half, what they say about having toddlers is most definitely TRUE.... especially with TWO~We ARE busy busy busy! However, I have decided that there are way too many reasons not to MAKE time to keep up with our blog.
As I look back on the "early days" of this journey and revisit our early posts, I can't help but to, on one hand, feel as though I am reading about someone else's lives because our lives are so entirely different than before. It feels as though our NICU days were truly something of a prior life....several lifetimes ago. While we certainly have new trials and tribulations of a very different kind, I wouldn't EVER trade the current days for our past.
While we are in a very different place than we were two and a half years ago, the journey certainly remains eventful.
Our journey today is still filled with a few uncertainties, a new diagnosis, speech therapy and occupational therapy mixed in with all the exciting, tiring and joyful days of raising two pretty amazing two year olds. Every day is different, everyday brings about change and growth, and everyday brings about some laughter and giggles.
Jenna and Blake are now 30 months old now! Two and a half! They are happy and healthy, energetic and curious, and just so darn sweet. Jenna still has the warmest and happiest smile a mom could dream for, she has a great sense of humor and is still "her own boss". Blake is very curious, has the sweetest heart, is a mover and a shaker and wants to learn everything he can about the world 24/7 nonstop.
Well, as I strive to regain balance (mommy, wive, ME), I am going to follow my plan right now and "close" in order to get some quiet moments in before the twinadoes wake up from nap. Afterall, a happy mommy is a good mommy.
Next post I will update with more details regarding our latest developmental accomplishments, our new diagnosis and more on what Jenna and Blake have been up to lately. Boy, do we have some stories!