Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back to the salt mines......

Well.... It had too come eventualy, and here it is. Time to go back to work.

Kim & I had already watched the kids for 6-8hrs by ourselves, so we have a bit of a routine down and it's not the end of the world. However, caring for two babies by ones self is no easy task.

Those that know us pretty well, know that we don't ask for help very often, but we've both come to the realization that we are going to have to ask. Between me working, & Kim being on baby duty all the time, there are going to be times when we need a sanity break or just an extra hand. We are very very greatful that we have great parents that want to help us out and spend time with their grandchildren. We are also very fortunate that we have several friends that can't wait to babysit.

We've really wanted to be a bit more social and have some people over to visit the kids, but it's kind of dificult to schedule the visits as things change by the min & we've been so busy that we haven't really reached out to many people. Hopefully we can change that in the very near future.

My boss at work has been way way cool and understanding during the whole process. Her first day as our manager was on my first day going back to work after their birth. So she didn't really know me, other than that I had two kids in the hospital. She's always been super low pressure and flexable, which has helped our family tremendously. I can't imagine going through this whole thing while worrying about having a job and therefore paying for all this. Many thanks Michelle!

Well..... Not really sure what the point of this post was, but here it is. With all the sleep depravation my brain is on slow mode.... Maybe reverse. I dunno, which one, but I do know it doesn't work so well right now. ;)

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