Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Your Boys All Grown Up!"

It is official.........the kids are growing TOO fast! Just months ago I wouldn't have dreamed of saying so. But today, I am. Blake has his FIRST tooth!!!!! Yes, his FIRST tooth!!

"Daddy" noticed the little "zoobie" while I was out running an errand tonight. I was at Hobby Lobby when I received the call from Jason. The first thing he said was, "Your boys all grown up momma!", then the call dropped. Just hearing that I knew Blake had done something pretty big. I kept thinking, "He couldn't have taken his first step!"-haha! Then when we finally got back in touch with one another he told me that Blake has his first tooth. My response? Tears, standing in the middle of the aisle at Hobby Lobby, crying! HA! I couldn't wait to get home to see it myself.

Jason said he was playing on the floor with the kids when Blake climbed over to him and reached for his finger to chew on. When he started chewing on Jason's finger, Jason said he thought, "What the heck?" and started feeling his bottom gum. He felt the sharp little tooth that had apparently come in today. Funny now, it seems Blake went over to daddy to tell him, "Daddy, feel this!".

As soon as I got home I scrubbed up and started feeling around on Blake's gums and tried to take a peek. I found myself wanting to pin him down and pry open his little mouth to see this for myself. So exciting but sad too. My baby is a BABY!!! sigh.....I am so proud though. Although you can see just a clear/white bit poking through, you can certainly feel it.

So, of course this prompted us to feel around in Jenna's mouth. She has been teething just as long as Blake has. Nothing showing yet. I am sure I will be looking each day just expecting to see her first "zoobie" any day now.

Wow, these milestones are proving to be a bit overwhelming for me at times. I just REALLY can't believe that just days shy of a year ago at this time I was looking at my precious, much awaited for, babies through wires, monitors, tubes, incubators and life sustaining medical equipment praying for miracles to happen. Miracles that would allow my babies to become strong and healthy. A full year later....miracles granted, many prayers answered, here we are...all four of us together. Mommy and Daddy watching their miracle babies learning and growing faster than ever.

Truly Blessed. Truly overwhelmed.

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