Wednesday, March 4, 2009

7th Wednesday in NICU

Here we are, our seventh Wednesday in NICU. Jason and I spent some time this evening looking through all the pictures that we have taken. The albums start from pregnancy to today. We were TRULY amazed and nearly speechless when looking at the first pictures tonight. Both of us experienced a familiar wave of emotions when looking at the pictures of Blake and Jenna. A few still shocking to look at. A few still frightening to view, realizing once again how fragile they were (and still are). So fragile that it seems fragile is not a strong enough word to describe the state in which they were at birth. A picture of Jenna lying there so very tiny that her chest appeared to cave in a bit between her rib cage, face red and very dark, eyes swollen. Very discolored. Blake lying there in my hands, weak arms and legs smaller around than my thumb and dangling down as if lifeless. Their skin appears moist and red, as if terribly sun burnt. Both of them, eyes sealed. Even then, under such extreme circumstances, beautiful babies. Simply, miracles. Beauty comes in so many forms, in our case in the form of two miracles...tiny, tiny, beautiful miracles.
Wow, we have come such a long way so far.

As I sit here and reflect, I am flooded with thoughts, memories and emotions. Overwhelmed. Relieved. Cautiously optimistic. Tired. Happy. So, I will do what I often do when I can't find organization. I will sit with Jason and together, we will reflect on the day's visit with our precious angels.


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