Saturday, February 7, 2009

A so so day

Well; today has been kinda a so so day. BUT.... we are still happy.

So last night the Dr's decided to try to further reduce the breathing machine settings. Both Jenna & Blake went down on their BPM (beats per minute) from 25 to 20 bpm's.
This is part of the normal process of weaning them off breathing assistance. As such, sometimes they do great with the changes, and some times they don't.

Well, neither of them really "took" to the new changes. Jenna required higher amounts of O2, and Blake had quite a bit more A's & B's (Apnea & Brady). This continued through the morning, so they decided to bump both of them back up to 30BPM. It was a valiant effort, but in the end, they lost a little ground. When we visited them, they were both on higher than previous O2, & Blake was still having more A's & B's.

This isn't too too unusual and not really unexpected as this is all part of the NICU experience with wee lil ones.
Sooo..... Not a bad day by any means, but not really any progress either. These type of days are going to happen and we are much happier with them than bad days.

On a side note. Kim and I went out to my cousin Kristen and Abram's house today for a little graduation party. We'd like to congratulate Abram on graduating from the Austin Fire Academy! It's been a year since he took the entrance exam, and he made it through 6mo of intense training. Congras man, we are proud of ya!

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